czwartek, 13 października 2011

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The theatre critics claimed that his plays made no sense at all, while the Futurists found, on the contrary, that they made far too much sense. Witkacy maintained that the wrong people were writing for the stage; not professional men of the theatre, but children and painters should become playwrights, he argued. Through the theory and practice of Pure Form, Witkacy hoped to restore to canada free credit report Twin falls the overly rationalized canada free credit report Twin falls stage of realism the magical perceptions of childhood and the modern painters sense of color and shape. The theatre would thus become canada free credit report Twin falls an autonomous art with a scenic language of its own. For the materials of his dramas, Witkacy was wildly eclectic in his borrowings and appropriations. free report credit He canada free credit report Twin falls constantly blurred the borders separating popular culture and high art and had canada free credit report Twin falls recourse to the low genres of melodrama, canada free credit report Twin falls farce, and science fiction, and he utilized the materials of popular entertainments, canada free credit report Twin falls such as adventure stories, pulp romances, spy thrillers, and yellow peril tales of horror. He frequently turned to the classicsShakespeareas well as to modernist literatureConradand also showed a fondness for childrens literatureStevensons Kidnapped and Treasure Island. what is a credit report

His favorite dramaturgical canada free credit report Twin falls device was the risen corpse, which sabotaged the rules of drama by allowing the dead to return to life nonchalantly, as though nothing had happened. He treated theatre, including his own irreverently, and he self-parodied the shibboleths of modernism on which he had been nurtured,Because his canada free credit report Twin falls idiom was utterly canada free credit report Twin falls idiosyncratic, Witkacy has had no followers or canada free credit report Twin falls imitators. In 1923 Witkacy entered into marriage with the aristocratic Jadwiga Unrug according to a pre-arranged plan guarantying each complete freedom, Although they lived apartshe in her Waraw apartment, he with his mother in ZakopaneJadwiga proved a good friend and intelligent helper. where to get your free credit report

During the sixteen years that they were married, Witkacy wrote to her three or for canada free credit report Twin falls times a week and was totally dependent on her for the organization of his literary career.

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